Tens of thousands of Serbs attend a prayer service for sanctity of marriage

12 September 2022 14:34
Tens of thousands of Serbs attend a prayer service for sanctity of marriage

Patriarch Porfirije held a prayer service for the sanctity of family and marriage in front of the St Sava Cathedral in Belgrade. 

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije held a public prayer service for the sanctity of marriages and families in front of the St Sava Cathedral in Belgrade on 11 September 2022, reports the press service of the Serbian Patriarchate

Addressing the faithful, Patriarch Porfirije noted that the Church has never imposed any way of life on others, but it is also against anyone from any part of the world coming and imposing their values, their view of the world and life. 

"Family is one of the fruits of marriage between a man and a woman. But when there are no children in the marriage, when it is God's will, the marriage by no means loses its fullness and its meaning, because the most important goal remains – for the two in love to become one," the Primate of the Serbian Church said. 

The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church also stressed that since the Orthodox live according to the Gospel laws, they do not accept the LGBT+ ideology. 

"We are against Europride as such, because it is obvious that <... > their aim is to change our society, our values, our way of life," said Patriarch Porfirije. 

The Serbian First Hierarch described the fight for traditional values in the republic as a kind of crusade, adding that only the cross, the Gospel, prayer and a righteous life can defeat alien "values”. 

As reported, the Primate of the Serbian Church called the decision to cancel the Europride march in Belgrade fair, as the LGBT march contradicts the value system of the people. 

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