MP on Stryi incident: Religious persecution should be a thing of the past

23 May 2022 16:13
MP on Stryi incident: Religious persecution should be a thing of the past

Commenting on the incident in Stryi, Maxim Buzhansky, MP from the "Servant of the People", said that this crime should be condemned by society.

Maxim Buzhansky, MP from the "Servant of the People" party, reacted to the incident in the temple of Stryi city. “This crime should receive an unequivocal assessment of society,” Buzhansky wrote on his Telegram channel.

The deputy expressed hope that the police had already opened a criminal case on the fact of the attack.

“I think that from the moment some activists poured brilliant green on the priest in Stryi, enough time has already passed for the police to identify the offenders,” the VR deputy said.

“It is very convenient to attack priests just a thousand kilometers from the Russian troops, it requires ‘enormous courage’. Moreover, one doesn’t need to go to any front, just to approach and attack,” the MP commented on the incident.

“Harassment of dissidents, persecution for the Russian language, discrimination on religious grounds – any persecution should be left in the past. Otherwise, we can join anything but the European Union. This is true if someone needs arguments in order to understand that bullying is entertainment from the 17th century, not the 21st,” Buzhansky summed up.

Recall that in Stryi a priest was splashed with brilliant green in his face during the Divine Liturgy.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Chernivtsi diocese compared the attacks on the Church in Ukraine with the events in Montenegro in 2020.

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