UOC activities banned in Drohobych, Lviv region

11 March 2022 19:58
UOC activities banned in Drohobych, Lviv region

The Drohobych City Council banned the UOC at the request of the local UGCC community.

The activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been officially banned on the territory of the Drohobych city council in Lviv region. The corresponding decision is published on the website of the city administration.

According to the document, the decision to ban the UOC was taken "with the purpose of consolidation of the Ukrainian people" and the activity of the UOC allegedly "has an openly anti-state and anti-Ukrainian character".

It also said that the decision was based on an appeal from the local Uniat community.

As earlier reported, the UOC activities were banned by Horodok authorities, Lviv region.

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