ROC eparchies collecting humanitarian aid for refugees from Donbass

21 February 2022 20:04
ROC eparchies collecting humanitarian aid for refugees from Donbass

Several eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church have already organized reception points for humanitarian and material aid to residents of ORDLO.

The Russian Orthodox Church is doing everything possible to help refugees from the ORDLO, said the head of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, said on his Telegram channel.

"The Shakhta Eparchy organizes food and accommodation for refugees. Donations and humanitarian aid for refugees of the Donbass are being collected in Yekaterinodar, Volgodonsk and Vladivostok eparchies. Metropolitan Veniamin of Orenburg appealed to show mercy, brotherly love and care to the refugees, as well as to enhance prayers for peace in the Donbass," said Vladimir Legoyda.

An operational headquarters has been created under the social department of the Rostov-on-Don diocese, which cooperates with the headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Priests are on duty at every temporary accommodation centre in the Rostov region and provide people with spiritual assistance. The Humanitarian Aid Center is working in the full regime. Food, clothing and basic necessities are being collected. Clergymen visit the temporary accommodation sites and hand over humanitarian aid.

ROC eparchies collecting humanitarian aid for refugees from Donbass фото 1
Photo: RIA Novosti

The head of the Social Department of the Rostov-on-Don Eparchy, priest Evgeny Osyak, reports that aid to refugees from the Donbass is offered through the structures of the Russian Orthodox Church, including from abroad.

“They are already calling from abroad. They called from Germany, Austria, from other states: where can we apply, where can we send humanitarian and material aid?” Father Evgeny said during a live broadcast, which took place on the Instagram page of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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