Zoria takes part in consecration of a new bishop at Phanar

22 March 2021 13:22
Zoria (second from left) at the consecration of the new Phanariotic hierarch. Photo: fanarion.blogspot.com Zoria (second from left) at the consecration of the new Phanariotic hierarch. Photo: fanarion.blogspot.com

Patriarch Bartholomew ordained a new metropolitan of Phanar for the historical diocese of Forty Churches.

Patriarch Bartholomew ordained a new Metropolitan of Phanar for the historical diocese of Forty Churches.

On March 21, 2021, the "hierarch" of the OCU Eustratiy Zoria took part in the consecration of the new bishop of the Patriarch of Constantinople at Phanar, reports Fanarion.blogspot.com.

During the liturgy, which was led by Patriarch Bartholomew, there was a consecration of the new Metropolitan Andrey for the Forty Churches Diocese. In addition to Zoria, Metropolitan Georgios of Guinea of the Alexandrian Patriarchate and other hierarchs of Phanar took part in the consecration.

The Diocese of Forty Churches is a historical diocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, whose see was previously located in the city of Σαράντα Εκκλησιές in Eastern Thrace.

Today this city is located on the territory of Turkey and is called Kirklareli; it has virtually no Christian population.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the delegation of the OCU visited Phanar and met with Patriarch Bartholomew

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