UOC hierarch discusses the situation in Ukraine with Antiochian bishops

09 November 2020 18:53
Metropolitan Varsonofiy with the hierarchs of the Church of Antioch. Photo: eparhia.vinnica.ua Metropolitan Varsonofiy with the hierarchs of the Church of Antioch. Photo: eparhia.vinnica.ua

Representatives of the Church of Antioch expressed their indignation at the actions of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.

On November 8, 2020, Metropolitan Varsonofiy of Vinnitsa and Bar of the UOC met with the hierarchs of the Antioch Orthodox Church and discussed with them the religious situation in Ukraine, the official website of the Vinnitsa Diocese reports.

During the meeting, Metropolitan Varsonofiy and the hierarchs of the Antiochian Church, Metropolitan Anthony (El Suri) and Metropolitan Niphon (Saikali) of Philippopolis discussed the situation that had developed in Ukraine in connection with the interference of the authorities in the affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Metropolitan Varsonofiy spoke about the raider seizures of churches both in the Vinnitsa diocese and throughout Ukraine.

In turn, representatives of the Church of Antioch expressed their indignation at the actions of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.

In addition, Metropolitan Niphon spoke about the current situation of the Orthodox Church in Lebanon, and also recalled his visits to Ukraine and strong friendship with the late Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan).

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the hierarch of the UOC concelebrated the liturgy with the metropolitans of the Antiochian Patriarchate.

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