In Russia Netflix children's cartoon series rated 18+ due to LGBT

01 October 2020 01:25
A frame of the cartoon A frame of the cartoon "Superheroes on high heels". Photo:

Netflix children's cartoons with LGBT content have been classified in Russia as an adult section.

Netflix has moved several cartoon series from Netflix Kids to the adult section in its Russian service thanks to the Russian law banning LGBT propaganda against minors, reports the press service of the company to “Interfax”.

Netflix noted that tv and film sites are required by Russian law to set an age limit of 18+ for any titles with LGBT content. Netflix Kids is only for movies and shows with an age limit of 13. The change will affect a small number of projects, the company’s press service said.

The company also recalled that online cinemas in Russia are required by law to set an age limit of 18+ for LGBT-themed content.

Netflix is an American video service with tens of thousands of movies, TV series and TV shows.

As reported earlier, in the United States, store employees were fired for refusing to wear uniforms with LGBT symbols.

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