UOC rep: NSDC Secretary’s statement violates national security principles

19 September 2020 15:28
Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC. Photo: news.church.ua Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, deputy head of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC. Photo: news.church.ua

The accusation of anti-state activity against organizers of peace forums contradicts the "Strategy of National Security and Defense of Ukraine", said the UOC spokesman.

NSDC Secretary Aleksey Danilov contradicts himself and the principles of national security, which he should take care of according to his position, said Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich, Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC, on his Telegram channel.

“I was unpleasantly surprised by yesterday's threat statement signed by NSDC Secretary A. Danilov,” wrote the priest. “It turns out that the state security is allegedly threatened by "peace forums", that is, conversations, discussions, initiatives of unnamed religious organizations about how peace could be achieved in Ukraine. Although the text does not name a specific confession, it is an obvious allusion to the “People of Peace” Forum, which will be held with the assistance of the UOC in Sviatogorsk on September 21, 2020.”

The UOC spokesman drew attention to the contradiction between Danilov's statement and the NSDC document entitled "The Strategy of National Security and Defense of Ukraine" published four days before it.

“Ukraine strives for peace. Peace is the key to the development of Ukraine. Establishing peace, restoring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine <...> is the highest priority of the state, ”Fr. Nikolai cited the document and compared it with the words of the NSDC Secretary, who threatened the organizers of the peace forums with criminal liability.

The priest compared the situation with a well-known literary work: "Isn't it Orwell with his brilliant anti-utopian phrase: ‘Peace is war, and war is peace!’?”

So who is actually engaged in anti-national activities: the UOC, trying to do at least something for peace in the state, or some officials who on one day publish documents that speak of the need for peace in Ukraine and a few days later threaten for organizing peace forums?"

The UOC spokesman emphasized that the authorities should welcome the peacemaking initiatives of the Church rather than threaten with criminal liability.

“The Church does not do anything illegal but rather makes efforts to restore the integrity of the state, unite and reconcile the people,” he wrote and suggested that A. Danilov had not read the text of the NSDC's “Strategy” or had not read his own statement.

In conclusion, the priest urged readers to be attentive to such statements regarding the “People of Peace” Forum to see those who benefit from the continuation of the war.

As reported, the UOC Chancellor also responded to the criticism of the Church's peacemaking initiatives.

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