OCU reps consecrates EU banner on National Flag Day

24 August 2020 16:57
 "Consecration" of the EU flag in Lutsk. Photo: pravoslaviavolyni.org.ua

Representatives of the OCU raised the EU standard and an alternative to the state national flag in Lutsk.

On August 23, 2020, on Ukraine’s National Flag Day, the "hierarch" of the OCU Michael Zinkevich "consecrated" the flags of Ukraine and the EU, reports the press service of the Volyn Eparchy of the OCU.

To the accompaniment of the national anthem, flags were “solemnly raised on the flagpoles” near the building of the eparchial administration of the OCU in Lutsk.

It should be noted that the national flag that Zinkevich "consecrated" also contains the symbols of the European Union.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier OCU "priests" "consecrated" the UPA flag, set near the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.

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