Lawyer: Let's check lease agreements and budgetary funds used by OCU temples

26 December 2022 11:22
Viktoria Kokhanovska on another live broadcast in defense of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: Screenshot of the video of the human rights activist's Facebook page Viktoria Kokhanovska on another live broadcast in defense of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo: Screenshot of the video of the human rights activist's Facebook page

Human rights activist Kokhanovska initiates inspections of OCU temples that are architectural monuments of Ukraine.

Viktoria Kokhanovska, a UOC lawyer, creates a list of OCU temples that belong to the architectural monuments of Ukraine of state, regional and local significance. In her social networks, the human rights activist asks subscribers to share the names of these temples and their addresses.

“We initiate and have the right to check the proper maintenance, lease agreements, payment of utilities,” Kokhanovska added.

The lawyer also plans to find out whether funds were allocated from any budgets for the maintenance, reconstruction, repairs for the temples of the OCU and to clarify whether there was any misuse and irrational use of funds.

Viktoria Kokhanovska requests to send information about the monuments of the OCU to the personal messages of the Women's Power of Ukraine group on Facebook.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that according to information available to Metropolitan Pavel, believers of the UOC will not be able to pray in the churches of the Upper Lavra starting from the New Year due to the expiration of the lease agreement.

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