SBU conducts searches in Boryspil Eparchy of the UOC

09 December 2022 10:14
The SBU conducts searches in the altar of the Intercession Cathedral of the UOC. Photo: press service of the SBU The SBU conducts searches in the altar of the Intercession Cathedral of the UOC. Photo: press service of the SBU

Searches are being carried out in the Intercession Cathedral in Boryspil in order to verify data on the use of the premises for harboring DRGs and storing weapons.

On December 9, 2022, the SBU, together with the police and the defense forces, conducts searches in the Intercession Cathedral of the UOC of Boryspil. This was reported on the department's Facebook page.

The press service of the SBU writes that the security forces. “with the direct participation of representatives of the Church”, inspect the territory and premises in order to identify objects prohibited for circulation; carry out verification of persons for their involvement in illegal activities to the detriment of the state sovereignty of Ukraine.

The report states that the searches are carried out “to verify data on the use of the premises of the UOC for harboring sabotage and reconnaissance groups, foreign citizens, storing weapons, etc.”

Let us recall that earlier Metropolitan Theodosy said that the SBU officers who “found” the flag of “Novorossiya” in the Zolotonosha Monastery “made a laughing stock of themselves in front of the whole country.”

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