Bishop Victor concelebrates with Head of SOC Metropolis in Montenegro

28 January 2020 13:24
Metropolitan Amphilochios of Montenegro and the Littoral and Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo: Facebook Metropolitan Amphilochios of Montenegro and the Littoral and Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo: Facebook

The Head of the UOC Representation to European International Organizations paid tribute to Sava the Serbian in Montenegro.

On January 27, with the blessing of Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka concelebrated with Metropolitan Amphilochios, Head of the Montenegrin-Littoral Metropolitanate of the SOC during the festive liturgy at Savina Glavica convent. The UOC hierarch announced this on his Facebook page.

On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of St. Sava, especially revered in the Serbian Orthodox Church, in whose honor the clergy and believers of the Montenegrin-Littoral Metropolis gathered in the nunnery. 

Bishop Victor concelebrates with Head of SOC Metropolis in Montenegro фото 1

Recall that the adoption by the Government of Montenegro of the law “On Freedom of Religion and Belief and the Legal Status of Religious Communities”, according to which the state becomes the owner of the bulk of church property (including land, buildings and even holy relics), has caused massive protests throughout Montenegro, which continue to this day.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Bishop Victor of Baryshevka and his colleagues told international human rights organizations about the Church’s position on the developments in Ukraine.

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