UOC thanks Primate of the Polish Church for support

20 September 2019 02:38
Епископ Барышевский Виктор выразил благодарность Предстоятелю Польской Церкви за поддержку УПЦ. Фото: news.church.ua Епископ Барышевский Виктор выразил благодарность Предстоятелю Польской Церкви за поддержку УПЦ. Фото: news.church.ua

Bishop Victor of Baryshevska thanked Primate of the Polish Church for supporting the UOC and reported on the situation of the UOC after the change of power in Ukraine.

On September 19, 2019, the head of the UOC Mission at International Organizations, Bishop Victor of Baryshevka, met with the Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church His Beatitude Metropolitan Savva of Warsaw and all of Poland, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

Bishop Victor conveyed warm greetings to the Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church on behalf of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry and expressed his gratitude for the constant prayer support of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Head of the UOC Mission at International Organizations informed the Primate of the Polish Church about the situation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church after the change of state power in Ukraine, expressing hope for a gradual end to the oppression of believers and religious organizations of the UOC, referring to public statements by top government officials about non-interference in Church affairs and a steady desire to the establishment of interfaith peace.

The bishop of the UOC noted that in recent months, the seizures of Orthodox churches by supporters of the "OCU", though decreased, have not finally stopped.

Also, particular attention was focused on the information on the discussion of the “Ukrainian church issue” among the Local Orthodox Churches.

In turn, His Beatitude Metropolitan Savva expressed his continued support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its Primate – His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.

We recall that on September 17-18, the bishops of the UOC took part in international celebrations in Belarus in honor of the Brest martyr for the faith.


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