UOC-KP “hierarch” about OCU: Lost conscience, violated canons, what’s next?

17 September 2019 01:50
"Primate" of the new church structure Epiphany Dumenko. Photo: focus.ua

The new religious organization is built on lies and its leadership violates the canons and commits aggressive criminal acts, said the "bishop" of the Kiev Patriarchate.

The hierarch of the UOC-KP, "bishop" Andrei Marutsak wondered what the OCU would come to, whose "hierarchs" had already violated church canons and committed a number of crimes. An article by the "bishop" of the Kiev Patriarchate, with reflections on this topic, was published on the website of the UOC-KP.

The creators of the OCU "started very ‘gloriously’" and violated the law twice – both when registering the new church structure by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and during the liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate, Marutsak noted.

“On July 27, 2019, the Synod of the OCU created a liquidation commission for the complete destruction of the UOC-KP. They apparently decided to fraudulently seize the property and accounts of the Kiev Patriarchate. Why fraudulently? Because any legal entity can be liquidated only by the liquidation commission, which is created by the same legal entity or a court decision," wrote the "bishop" of the Kiev Patriarchate.

The Kiev Metropolitanate of the OCU and the Kiev Patriarchy of the UOC-KP are different legal entities, which is why one cannot liquidate the other, he reminded.

Marutsak also stressed that the head of the newly established religious organization, Epiphany Dumenko, "began to openly violate church canons" and that the "new Church" is being built on lies.

“Violating the canons, he accepted the priest who was banned from priesthood by the Patriarch (head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko – Ed.). There were reasons for this. It is also forbidden to hold two posts at the same time – to be the rector of the Theological Academy, which is under the jurisdiction of one bishop, and the rector of the temple, which is under the jurisdiction of another bishop,” the bishop of the UOC-KP specified which canons were violated by Epiphany.

The "hierarch" of the Kiev Patriarchate also recalled the events around St. Theodosius Monastery. According to him, with the help of "titushki", rebels who had opposed Filaret seized the monastery together with the property.

"This is not just a violation of canons, but aggressive, criminal actions, yet the leadership of the OCU went further," Marutsak commented on the situation around the monastery.

In conclusion, he noted that the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the leadership of the OCU declare their love for the "honorary patriarch" Filaret, thus misleading people.

"Because of this ‘great love’ we are suing them and will defend our right to freedom of choice and conscience until the final victory with God's help," concluded the bishop of the UOC KP.

Earlier, Marutsak compared the OCU raiding with the looting of Constantinople by the crusaders.

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