Head of the UGCC: We do not need peace in Donbass at any cost

30 June 2019 00:57
Head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo: loveukraine.info Head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo: loveukraine.info

The spiritual leader of Ukrainian Uniates believes that freedom costs more than peace.

The head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk believes that the war in the Donbass cannot end in peace at any cost. He stated this in his interview with the Greek Catholic publication “RISU”.

Answering the question of when, in his opinion, the war in Eastern Ukraine will end, the head of the UGCC said that “without a doubt, the war cannot end in peace at any cost.”

For him, freedom and the right to be yourself means more than peace: “We have already paid a high price for our freedom, for the right to be ourselves. If peace means to lose everything, then it will not be peace, it will be surrender.”

Shevchuk argues that “peace is absolutely impossible without fairness. We are talking about a fair peace, including for those who were killed, who became an innocent victim, who lost their children on the front.”

The head of the UGCC is convinced that “peace should be based on respect for the pain of another person. Without such a peace that is based on the truth, which is the source of fairness, we cannot talk about any ending of the war.”

The leader of the Ukrainian Uniates emphasized that “if now the word ‘peace’ means peace at any cost – an agreement to the terms of the aggressor – then the very notion of peace as such is false."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the UGCC chaplain Nikolai Medinsky said that the mission of the military priest is the patriotic education of the flock, following the example of the UPA confessors. According to him, the nation gains more from the war in the Donbass than loses.


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