"Easter in Zhytomyr": a giant pysanka stolen from Easter fair

20 April 2017 16:44
On the night of April 18, from the exhibition in Zhytomyr a 50-centimetre pysanka (Easter egg) was stolen, as reported by the organizer of the holiday "Easter in Zhytomyr" Yaroslav Gaponenko, writes Zhytomyr Journal.

"Tonight we really lost one of the best pysankas, decorated with velvet; it stood the last in a line. Yesterday was the final date of the Easter Fair, two of our volunteers stayed long hours, cleaning the site and packing the exhibits. The Easter egg has been stolen, and now there is only a stand left," said Gaponenko.

He also said that this is not the only loss of the fair: from the Easter mega-basket, the city's residents stole 7 unpainted children's pysankas. Some city dwellers were caught red handed with Easter eggs in their bags and pockets at the exit from the fair area.

Organizers are determined to file a complaint with the police about the stolen Easter egg. As for the other exhibits, they will be kept until next Easter in a special room until next Easter.
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