Ivano-Frankivsk authorities require the UOC church immediately vacate the premises

14 November 2016 23:30
Ivano-Frankivsk authorities require the UOC church immediately vacate the premises
Ivano-Frankivsk authorities urge the UOC faithful to vacate the Transfiguration Church due to the termination of the lease agreement. The Lviv Economic Court of Appeal granted the request of the city government on breaking a lease agreement with the UOC community, reports a UOJ source.

In case the requirements of the local authorities are not fulfilled on time, the officials threaten with a lawsuit on forced vacation of the leased premises.

The religious community of the UOC managed to secure a lease agreement in 1992 through a hunger strike, which the faithful kept for 51 days.

The legal department of the Ivano-Frankivsk eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has prepared a cassation appeal to international legal authorities. If the city officials deprive the community of the church, there will be only one church left for the four registered religious communities of the UOC in Ivano-Frankivsk.

The UOJ continues to monitor the developments closely.
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