UTC head disrupts the consecration of UOC temple in Kononivka

03 July 2022 15:03
UTC head disrupts the consecration of UOC temple in Kononivka

The head of the Shramkovka UTC blocked the clergy, headed by Metropolitan Theodosy, from entering the temple.

On July 2, 2022, in the village of Kononivka, Cherkasy region, the head of the Shramkovka UTC disrupted the great consecration of the UOC church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy reports.

The temple was built by the rector, Priest Igor Basiuk, together with the religious community of the UOC.

The priests of the diocese, headed by Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv, were invited to the solemn consecration; however, on the day of consecration, the entrance to the new temple for the religious community of the UOC and the clergy, headed by Metropolitan Theodosy, was blocked by the head of the Shramkovka UTC Anatoly Kulia with a support group.

When asked on what grounds the head of the UTC violates the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 35), the Law on Freedom of Conscience (Article 4) and the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 180), preventing worship, he replied that “during martial law, any mass events, including religious ones, are prohibited,” the diocese said.

To the indignation of the parishioners of the UOC, the head of the UTC suggested that they go home. All this was happening against the backdrop of screams from the support group – "activists", shouting out the standard words of propaganda about the "enemy Church".

The diocese noted that the police, led by Major O.Koshevoy, showed complete inaction. The police were indifferently watching as the rights of believing citizens of Ukraine, believers of “the wrong faith” and “the wrong Church,” were violated.

“Of course, the faithful, without much effort, could themselves push the violators of the law away from the church they built on their own and enter it to perform divine services. However, Metropolitan Theodosy did not bless them to do so, saying that the House of God should be sanctified in peace and harmony, rather than amid somebody’s swearing, even if it does not depend on us,” added the diocese.

On the fact of the crime with the participation of the Chairman of the UTC and on the fact of the inaction of the police during the commission of the crime, the UOC community is going to file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office, the Police Department and the Security Service of Ukraine.

"The current situation in Kononivka of the Cherkasy diocese once again testified before all believers that the Church of Christ has always been, is and will be persecuted by the people of this age, despite Her good deeds and the ideological position She will occupy in society,” the diocese summed up.

As previously reported by the UOJ, an award for resilience in faith and courage was established by the Cherkasy Eparchy.

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