Notre-Dame de Paris reopens after five years of restoration

Rescuers and builders who took part in fighting the fire and restoring the cathedral were given a standing ovation at the opening of Notre-Dame.
On December 7, 2024, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris reopened in Paris after a five-year extensive restoration prompted by the devastating fire in April 2019, reports Francetvinfo.
The grand reopening was attended by more than 40 heads of state and government, including the elected U.S. President Donald Trump, his associate Elon Musk, Prince William, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and others. Prominent benefactors who contributed significant funds to the cathedral’s restoration, religious figures, artists, celebrities, and other dignitaries were also invited.
The opening ceremony was broadcast by TV channels in over 20 countries and featured a film dedicated to the events following the fire, readings of Louis Aragon's poetry, and musical performances by the Capuçon brothers. Due to inclement weather, part of the program was moved inside the cathedral.
The Archbishop of Paris, Laurent Ulrich, symbolically knocked on the doors of Notre-Dame with his staff before opening them to the faithful. Rescuers and builders who had been involved in combating the fire and restoring the cathedral were met with standing ovations.
Earlier, the UOJ reported on the reasons behind the fire at Notre-Dame de Paris.