Met Luke: Сherkasy cathedral seized by those professing philosophy of hell

22 October 17:33
Metropolitan Luke. Photo: Metropolitan Luke’s Telegram channel Metropolitan Luke. Photo: Metropolitan Luke’s Telegram channel

Metropolitan Luke stated that Halloween is an advertisement for hell, shaping a generation of evil.

The Metropolitan of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol expressed concern on his Telegram channel about the influence of Halloween and modern culture on children's upbringing. In his address, he highlighted the link between education in childcare institutions and the rise of violence and evil in society.

He noted that this type of upbringing leads to the emergence of individuals who commit acts of violence, vandalism and betrayal, as seen in the recent seizure of the cathedral in Cherkasy. The hierarch warned that such "advertising" of evil and its symbols, prevalent in educational institutions, could have serious consequences for society in the future.

"Evil is not an inherent quality of human nature; it enters us from the outside," the metropolitan pointed out, referring to the words of the Apostle Paul about the struggle not against flesh and blood but against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12). He emphasized that those who embrace the philosophy of evil become instruments of the devil. According to him, this was evident in the recent seizure of the cathedral in Cherkasy, where those who "decided that power, authority, money and glory are the true meaning of life" acted.

The UOC hierarch remarked that this is not an accidental process but the result of targeted influence through education, starting from kindergartens and schools. "When this generation grows up, it will begin to create the same reality around itself," he stated, warning about the consequences of upbringing based on the symbolism of evil and violence.

As reported by the UOJ, the UOC hierarch had previously commented on the actions of the raiders who seized the cathedral of the Cherkasy Eparchy.

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