Archbishop Pimen: We must confess only the love of Christ

Archbishop Pimen. Photo: Rivne Diocese Archbishop Pimen. Photo: Rivne Diocese

In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Archbishop Pimen addressed the faithful with words of guidance.

On October 6, 2024, a group of clergymen and laity from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, led by Archbishop Pimen of Rivne and Ostroh, was on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

On the last day of the pilgrimage, after the night Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Archbishop Pimen addressed the faithful with a message, as reported by the website of the Rivne Diocese.

“From here, we will take with us the grace that we have prayed for and asked of God. The Lord gives everything freely, but a person must open their heart to Him,” the Archbishop reminded the pilgrims.

He expressed hope and confidence that the hearts of everyone present in the Holy Land were open to God: “Enter, Lord, and dine with me today – let us say these words again here at the doors of the Lord's Church,” the Archbishop addressed the faithful.

Continuing his message to the congregation, he noted, “We ask again and again for peace, prosperity, and growth for our Ukrainian people, for strength, health, and prosperity for our Primate, above all, and for those people who, confessing the Orthodox faith, walk in step with the law of the Gospel.”

The Archbishop called upon all those present to confess the love of Christ.

“Let us preach that a brother extends his hand to a brother, for they are of the same blood, the same faith, and the same love – the love of Christ!” concluded Archbishop Pimen.

As reported by the UOJ, the hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Pimen, along with UOC clergymen, prayed with the Jerusalem bishop in one of the most important Christian shrines – the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

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