MP: Bill banning UOC is sent for examination to Ministry of Justice

14 February 11:47
MP from MP from "European Solidarity" Mykola Kniazhysky. Photo:

Mykola Kniazhytsky stated that the bill regarding the UOC is under examination of the Ministry of Justice and may be voted on in the second reading this or next week.

Eurosolidarity MP Mykola Kniazhytsky said that the parliamentary majority had submitted draft law No 8371 on banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to the Ukrainian Justice Ministry for examination. He said this in an interview with "Vysokyi Zamok" edition.

According to him, the bill may be voted in the second reading already this week or next week. At the same time, it can be brought to the hall only after consideration by the Humanitarian Committee of the Rada.

At the same time, Kniazhytsky said that some of the MPs who support the ban of the UOC are now on a business trip. And the committee will be able to consider the draft law after one meeting, when they return to Ukraine.

As reported by the UOJ, Stefanchuk refused to allow the MPs to submit the law on the UOC to the "Venice Commission".

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