Orthodox warrior calls on SBU to stop attacks on churches

02 December 2022 14:16
The son of a UOC priest, who is fighting on the front line, turned to the SBU. Photo: screenshot of the video on the 1Kozak Youtube channel The son of a UOC priest, who is fighting on the front line, turned to the SBU. Photo: screenshot of the video on the 1Kozak Youtube channel

The son of a UOC priest, who is fighting on the front line, demanded the SBU stop persecuting UOC clergy and believers, as this undermines the unity of Ukraine.

On December 1, 2022, an Orthodox warrior, the son of a UOC priest, appealed to the SBU to stop the incitement of inter-religious hatred, which is manifested in searches of monasteries and churches and in the persecution of clergymen. The video with the appeal of the defender of Ukraine was posted by the First Cossack YouTube channel.

“I am an Orthodox Christian of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who from the first day of the aggressor’s invasion of the territory of our state has been defending our country,” the serviceman said about himself. He stressed that he was compelled to record this video after watching the news that the SBU had conducted a series of searches in the Chernivtsi diocese.

“I want to address you, our dear Security Service of Ukraine. If you are really the Security Service of Ukraine, provide citizens who need it not with attacks on churches, but with real security. Do not add to a war within the state, please,” the soldier called.

He recalled that Ukraine is a free country, where every person has the right to choose his religion and not to be convicted for this.

“We are protecting our state. I am an Orthodox Christian, and from the first day I have been defending our state,” the priest’s son emphasized, adding that his brother and brother-in-law, who has four children, are fighting on the front lines. He recalled that the UOC daily sends financial and material assistance to the forefront and generally helps with everything it can.

“However, you are driving us away, you are inciting an internal war. Can you please explain what we have done? Do we pray for peace in the wrong way perhaps? You conduct searches, plant all sorts of false information, slander,” the defender of Ukraine addressed the SBU.

He urged the security service to respect the law and not undermine the unity of Ukraine.

“Let's be brothers, not enemies to each other. We are all Ukrainians, we are a strong people. Let's not judge by the color of the skin, by the language, by what Church a person goes to. We don't deserve this,” the Orthodox warrior said.

He stressed that he does not hide his face and is ready to communicate with representatives of the special services.

Recall that in March 2022, this soldier recorded a video in which he stated: the one who fights with the believers of the UOC in the rear is himself an occupier.

As the UOJ wrote, the SBU conducts searches in three dioceses of the UOC.

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