OCU members present head of Vinnitsa National Police with “order of shame”

13 December 2019 17:40
Picket near the building of the Main Office of the National Police in Vinnitsa. Photo: vezha.vn.ua Picket near the building of the Main Office of the National Police in Vinnitsa. Photo: vezha.vn.ua

Schismatics picketed the Main Office of the National Police, accusing government officials of lobbying the interests of the UOC.

On December 12, fifty supporters of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine during the picket of the Main Office of the Vinnitsa National Police presented General Yuriy Pedos with the “order of shame,” Vezha website reported.

The reason for the discontent of the OCU activists was non-interference of the Vinnitsa police in the clash between dissenters and believers of the UOC. The law of Ukraine on the re-registration of religious communities indicates that a decision to change subordination is made at a general meeting of members of a religious, not territorial community. For this reason, the National Police of Vinnitsa does not let supporters of the OCU to the temples of the UOC pending court decisions.

The schismatics regarded the behavior of the police as interference in the affairs of the Church and accused the head of the National Police of lobbying the interests of the UOC. A banner with the words of Simon Petliura was placed at the rally: “Moscow lice are not so terrible as our Ukrainian nits” and two posters “Scoundrels work here!”.

The protesters tried to present General Pedos with the Order of Shame, but the police did not come out to the activists.

The Communication Department of the Vinnitsa Regional Police commented on the picket: “The Vinnitsa police warned of serious crimes committed on religious grounds – seizures, arson, the destruction of churches, during which people could be injured. Police officers provide public safety near religious buildings where there are disputes between believers. Communication police are involved in preventing the development of conflicts. We have never supported either of the sides, but act only within the framework of the law. The Constitution provides for equal rights and obligations for all citizens regardless of their religion. Therefore, we urge representatives of all religious communities to comply with applicable laws, be tolerant, and respect the rights and interests of others.”

One of the organizers of the action is the lawyer of the head of the Department for Nationalities and Religions of the Vinnitsa Regional State Administration Igor Saletsky, who is suspected of official crime during the re-registration of religious communities.

As reported by the UOJ, Igor Saletsky’s representatives put pressure on the Vinnitsa police.

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