Metropolitan of Dabrobosan: Phanar tore up the chiton of ecclesiastic unity

08 January 2019 21:47
Metropolitan Chrysostom (Evich) of Dabrobosan Metropolitan Chrysostom (Evich) of Dabrobosan

Met. Chrysostom, head of the Metropolia of the Serbian Orthodox Church, centered in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), called to pray for believers of the canonical UOC.

In his Christmas address to the clergy and flock, Metropolitan Chrysostom (Evich) of Dabrobosan severely criticized the actions of Constantinople in Ukraine and stated with regret that “celebration of the Nativity of Christ this year will go down in the history of the split and fragmented Church,” reports the Greek edition of Romfea.

According to the archpastor, the unity of the Holy Orthodox Church "was attacked from within itself."

“The Patriarch of Constantinople and his Synod, as if performing on a theatrical stage, played with the Church Mystery and its unity,” the message of the Metropolitan says. “They attacked not only the Church of the martyrs in Ukraine, but hit the entire Church of Christ, its holiness, its catholicity, its apostleship and unity. They betrayed Christ, tore apart the unity chiton of the Orthodox Church so that from the rags of the schism, generated by its enemies, they could tailor a schismatic-sectarian model which they called the "church."

At this difficult time, Metropolitan Chrysostom urged the whole of Orthodox flock to pray for the believers in Ukraine so that God would grant them stamina to unite around Christ, around His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kiev and All Ukraine, as well as all metropolitans and bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

As the UOJ reported, earlier His Holiness Patriarch Irinej declared that the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in terms of the Ukrainian issue arises from the canonical order rather than support of any of the parties.

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