SLC supporters picket Zhitomir Сathedral

18 November 2018 20:42
Authors of picket signs on church themes confused the notion of Authors of picket signs on church themes confused the notion of "Tomos" with the name "Thomas"

About 500 believers of the UOC came to counteract a few provocateurs who gathered near the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral in Zhitomir.

On the afternoon of November 18, 2018, after the end of the Sunday service, about a dozen "activists" gathered around the cathedral with signs, which were written with grammatical errors, calling for the unification of Ukraine through the Tomos, reports the press service of the Zhitomir eparchy.

The authors of picket signs on church themes confused the notion of “Tomos” with the name “Thomas”.

At the same time, priests and several hundred believers gathered in the cathedral: the city residents themselves came to support the clergy of the UOC.

Their presence was voluntary because there was no prior notice about the gathering.

The Divine service was led by the ruling bishop, Metropolitan Nikodim of Zhitomir and Novograd-Volynsky.

After the prayer was completed, Vladyka addressed those present in the cathedral with a speech. The archpastor assured the flock of his loyalty to the UOC and its Primate and called on the clergy and laity to intensify prayers. Vladyka also blessed the believers to keep a fast with a prayer for the Church every Monday.

After a certain time, the activists broke up.

As reported earlier, “Tomos supporters” assaulted the residence of Metropolitan Efrem in Krivoy Rog.

On November 17, about a dozen residents of Krivoy Rog brought picket signs agitating for the SLC under Metropolitan Efrem's residence and tried to break down the gate.

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