Archbishop Job (Getcha): Phanar cares for the unity of Orthodox Ukrainians

05 September 2018 23:30
Archbishop Job of Telmessos, Permanent Representative of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to the World Council of Churches Archbishop Job of Telmessos, Permanent Representative of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to the World Council of Churches

The Patriarchate of Constantinople cares for preserving the all-Orthodox unity, and especially the Ukrainian Orthodox people, Archbishop Job of Telmessos stated.

The Church of Constantinople is the Mother Church for the Ukrainian people since the times of Kievan Rus, and this spiritual bond is felt today. Archbishop Job of Telmessos, Permanent Representative of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to the World Council of Churches, said this in his welcoming address to the participants of the conference "Postal Square in Kiev: Historical and Spiritual Dimension", reports a UOJ correspondent.

The hierarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople expressed hope that archaeological excavations would show even closer ties that existed between Kievan Rus and Byzantium. Archbishop Job recalled that already in the time of Princess Olga, Kievan Rus supported economic and diplomatic relations with Byzantium, the first Christian church was built in Kiev, and the princess herself was baptized in Byzantium, receiving the Christian name Elena, which led not only to strengthened economic and political ties of the countries but also to the Christianization of the Kiev state.

"Since that time the Church of Constantinople is the Mother Church for the Ukrainian people. We feel this spiritual bond between the Church of Constantinople and Ukraine today. Therefore, according to the sacred church canons, as well as the centuries-old church order and sacred tradition, the Ecumenical Patriarchate cares today about preserving the all-Orthodox unity, and especially cares for the unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox people who received from Constantinople a saving Christian faith and holy baptism," he stressed.

The archbishop congratulated all participants of the conference, wished them success, and fruitful scientific publications.

As reported by the UOJ, the conference "Postal Square in Kiev: Historical and Spiritual Dimension" is now being held in Kiev.

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