Pat. Bartholomew: Restoration of unity with Roman Catholics is irreversible

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople expressed the opinion that Catholics and Orthodox will reunite sooner or later.
Patriarch Bartholomew expressed the opinion that Catholics and Orthodox will sooner or later reunite during a meeting with Archbishop Angelo De Donatis of the Roman Catholic Church at the Patriarchal residence in the Phanar, according to Vatican Radio.
"The process of restoring unity between our holy Churches, although sometimes slow and encountering difficulties, is irreversible because God desires it, and we are called to be His witnesses in the world that does not care about God," said Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
During the conversation, they also discussed the possibility of Catholics and Orthodox celebrating Easter together. Patriarch Bartholomew mentioned that there would come a time when the Churches will reach a consensus on this matter. The hierarch emphasized that he sees a far-reaching agreement on most issues between him and Pope Francis.
It was previously reported that Catholic Archbishop Angelo De Donatis, leading a group of priests, is currently on a pilgrimage to holy sites in Turkey. As part of the pilgrimage, a visit was paid to Patriarch Bartholomew.