Tithes Monastery’s brethren calls on believers to protect the monastery from seizure

"Dear brothers and sisters! On February 3, 2018 at 12:00 under the guise of a peaceful rally of architects, schismatics and heathens with the support of radical groups, incited by certain people's deputies, are preparing a forcible seizure of the Tithes Monastery of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, - says the brethren’ appeal to the faithful. "In this regard, the brethren of the the Tithes Monastery calls on everyone to attend a moleben to be defend the Alma Mother of the Churches of Kievan Rus - the Tithes Temple. If the Tithes Monastery is demolished today, tomorrow radicals will come to your churches. We must unite and show that God is with us and together we are power. The prayer begins at 11:00 at 2 Vladimirskaya Str., the territory of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine".
Web users created a video to support the Tithes Monastery.
On January 25, radicals attacked the Tithes Monastery. On January 26 there was an attempt to set fire to the temple. On February 1, "activists" promised to demolish the church.
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