Primate of ROC: 100th anniversary of revolution is cause for prayer and reflection

31 December 2016 23:23
Primate of ROC: 100th anniversary of revolution is cause for prayer and reflection
2017, which will see 100th anniversary of the revolution in Russia, should be a time of prayer and deep reflection on what happened but not celebrations, thinks Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. This is reported on the official site of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In his address at a regular session of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church held on December 29 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill said that 2017 "is associated with the centenary of the tragic events in history."

"This year, we have to hold special prayers for our peoples, for countries that once constituted a single state, and now are sovereign countries, but which have very close historical, spiritual and cultural bonds," the Patriarch said.

At the same time, according to the Primate of the Russian Church, it is necessary to devote 2017 year to "reflection on what happened to our people, what all these upheavals meant and what spiritual conclusions we can draw from the tragic history of the XX century".
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