3-D Exhibition of Holy Mount Athos is opened in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

29 December 2016 15:32
3-D Exhibition of Holy Mount Athos is opened in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
A charitable exhibition “Blessing of the Holy Mount Athos” is opened in the National Historic and Cultural Conservation Area at the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, which displays 3-D maquettes of the Holy Mount Athos and Great Lavra of Athanasius of Athos, unique icons and rare sanctities. It is reported by the “Orthodox Heritage of Ukraine on the Holy Mount Athos”.

The exhibition shows a copy of the picture of the Holy Mount Athos from the wall-painting of All Saints church of 1906 – the only sample of the ancient tradition of Athos depiction in temples of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; copies of miraculous icons of the Mother of God with dedicatory inscriptions of Athonite masters’ work, sent to Ukraine as a sign of blessing; a collection of various crosses and icons of Athos dated XVI-XIX centuries, Athos icons of the new iconography (Saints of Athos Synaxis); scientific and popular editions on the Holy Mount subject matter, ancient engravings and many other articles.

During the presentation of the exhibit Charitable Fund “Orthodox Heritage of Ukraine on the Holy Mount Athos” presented a unique tree-dimensional maquette of the Holy Mount Athos (its size being 2,5 m long and 0,9 m wide), which is totally identical in its configuration to the relief of the Godmother’s Abode, and a 3-D maquette of the Great Lavra of Athanasius the Athonite (1200 by 85 cm), whose architecture was taken as a basis for constructions of monasteries and some sketes on the Holy Mount Athos.

“It took us over half a year to create 3-D images of the Holy Mount and the Great Lavra. It was a grandiose effort taken by the expert team, since each detail was made and painted separately, and only after that the whole composition was finally assembled. Now everybody, who will visit the exhibition, will be able to get to know about the history, traditions, monastic feat of the Holy Mount, when they see its reduced copy,” tells Founder of the Charitable Fund “Orthodox Heritage of Ukraine on the Holy Mount Athos” Dmitry Vorona.

He also added that preparation of unique maquettes that have no analogies in the world and participation in the exhibition “Blessing of the Holy Mount Athos” became a milestone for the Foundation on the way to creating a Holy Mount Athos Museum, which is planned to be opened in the following year.

“The preparation of the exhibition was possible thanks to the concerted work of the entire team. Particular gratitude should be expressed to the Guardian Council of our Fund, namely to Valeriy Omelchenko, Sergey Kuziar and Vladimir Bandurov. Thanks to their participation and efforts they have paid for the sake of the common cause, thousands of the exhibition’s (and in the future museum’s) guests can transfer to the Holy Mount Athos and personally feel beatification of the Godmother’s Abode,” notes Dmitry Vorona.

The exhibition “Blessing of the Holy Mount Athos” can be attended till 20 April 2017.

Visitors will be able to follow the connection between the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the Holy Mount Athos, both form the historic and contemporary perspective; to realize the contribution made by Ukrainians to the spiritual treasury of Athos of XVII - XVIII centuries (the Venerable Paisios the Athonite, Vasiliy Grigorovich-Barskiy); to view the Athonite icon painting, miniature wood carving, jewelry art.

The exhibition opening will mark the end of a range of scientific and cultural events in the year of 2016, related to the jubilee date of 1000 anniversary of spiritual ties of Ukraine and Athos.

The exhibition was organized by the National Kiev-Pechersk Historic and Cultural Reserve, Charitable Foundation “Orthodox Heritage of Ukraine on the Holy Mount Athos”, Museum “Orthodox Ukraine” (UOC Synod’s Department “Orthodoxy and Culture”), the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, National Historic Library of Ukraine.

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