What does Mikhail Denisenko have to do with Orthodoxy?

18 November 2016 21:11
What does Mikhail Denisenko have to do with Orthodoxy?

"Leave the dead to bury their own dead" Matthew 8: 22

With his statement about a certain invented by himself "sin of federalization", which must be washed away by the blood of Donbass civilians, Mikhail Denisenko seems to hammer the last stake in his church "career".

This is the observation of the spiritual death of not a Christian who died in him a long time ago, but a man who has lost all moral universal understandings of morality and conscience. Modernist "sin study" of dissenters has long been gone from the Gospel to the swamps of nationalism and fascism.

A dead "sin of federalization", which leads to massacres, is very much far away from anything that is related to human rights, the concepts of humanism, democracy and especially the Christian worldview. Human rights provide the opportunity to a person to express in public and in private their opinions about what kind of political system they would like to see in their Homeland.

Voting is a democratic way of voicing opinions of people living in a given territory, on current issues of the political system, elections of authorities, etc. "Federalism" is not a biblical and evangelical term. In Europe, it emerged only in the post-war time due to Winston Churchill. Federalism is just one of the principles of building a public administration system.

But according to Mikhail Denisenko, this is the reason to murder all who live in the territory where a vote in favour of this form of public administration was held. The concept of "all" includes children of any age, the elderly, the disabled, women...

I understand that these are the words of the aged man suffering from irreversible changes in the brain, leading to the confusion of consciousness and personal degradation. This would be forgivable, but he claims to be a kind of messenger of the Gospel teaching. He declares things for which not by Gospel but by human judgment one should be jailed. He justifies the mass murder of innocent people.

To kill for the invented "sin of federalization" is an important indicator of the degenerative processes of the structure itself whose icon is Mikhail Denisenko. Long before that, he said that the killing of the Donbass inhabitants is not a sin (Sunday sermon on March 22, 2015), it is a necessity. So what do schismatics have to with God whose name is Love? Why do they wear on their chest crosses and blasphemously refer to the Gospel?

To make it clear how far they have gone from Orthodoxy, I want to briefly recall that Christ refused to even participate in resolving property rights of two brothers, saying that it was not His mission. At the trial of Pontius Pilate, the Savior said that His Kingdom was not of this world, and He prayed for His executioners on the Cross and asked the Father for their forgiveness.

Listing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Apostle Paul writes that the first are "love, joy, peace, patience ..." St. Isaac the Syrian says that in the process of spiritual maturing a Christian receives a "merciful heart" crying not only over the suffering of people but even shedding tears of anguish of animals and insects and praying not only for enemies, but even for demons. Elder Silouan went down-hearted and sorrowful for two days, lamenting the fact that his pupil had killed an insect and needlessly hurt a plant.

What does Mikhail Denisenko have to do with Orthodoxy? – Nothing! And what differs him? – Everything! He is an obvious antithesis of all that is connected with God – Love. His spiritual degradation began a long time ago, with Judah’s sin. Fast career growth of the young hieromonk ensured his connection with the system, which controlled all the processes of public life.

In August-September 1991, revealing publications on the links of "Comrade Antonov" (Filaret Denisenko) with the KGB, as well as his breaking of monastic vows, appeared in periodicals. On January 20, 1992 twenty-six people's deputies of Ukraine (O.Shevchenko, V.Chornovil, S. Golovaty and others) published "The deputy statement", which put forward the demand to Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko) to leave his post of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church indicating that the exposed KGB agent who violated monastic vows couldn’t lead the revival of Orthodoxy in Ukraine.

But Mikhail Denisenko crossed the line of irreversible processes that led to his spiritual death long ago.

Nobody will be able to save him already. But I am truly sorry for those people who continue to think that M. Denisenko and the structure created by him with the help of the state apparatus have something to do with Orthodoxy. If the blind leads the blind, both are known to fall into the pit. Public statements of M. Denisenko are the last cry of the apparent murderous madness of the schismatic. Perhaps, though, this evidence will provide an opportunity for people who have not completely lost their basic understanding of good and evil to sober up and realize to what wilds of the hell the head of the schismatics leads his "flock", what power he is actually driven by and what hides behind this sham wearing the cross and cassock. It's good that he openly and without hesitation discloses his anti-Christian essence. Maybe it will help at least some people to understand who is hiding behind it.
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