UOC rep: Council’s decisions made after discussion and by Church fullness

08 September 2022 17:15
UOC rep: Council’s decisions made after discussion and by Church fullness

Metropolitan Alexy said that decisions at the Council of the UOC were made not by the Primate personally but by the fullness of the Church.

Vladyka said in an interview with politica.com.ua that during the discussion of issues related to the canonical status of the UOC, the voices of all participants were taken into account because this is how "the conciliar position of the entire Church is formed and crystallized".

"The absolute majority of participants in the Council firmly supported the amendments to the Statute of the UOC, advocated stopping the commemoration of Patriarch Kirill's name at services, and for the withdrawal of the UOC Primate from the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church," Metropolitan Alexy stressed, adding that some present hierarchs spoke against these decisions, and their opinion was heard by the majority.

According to Metropolitan Alexy, the very fact of the discussion and its possibility emphasize the conciliar nature of the Church. "In our Church, crucial decisions are made not by one person – the Primate – but by all – the bishops, clergy and laity. And this is very important because this is how the catholicity of the Church is manifested, which we confess every time in the Creed," said Metropolitan Alexy.

"Of course, everyone was worried that day <...> but later in conversations with my fellow bishops I repeatedly happened to hear confirmation that the Holy Spirit guided all of us," the UOC hierarch stressed.

As reported, Metropolitan Alexy spoke about what the UOC faithful expected from Patriarch Kirill.

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