Metropolitan Luke: Istanbul Convention leads Ukraine to Sodom and Gomorrah

16 December 2021 11:12
Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia and Melitopol. Photo: Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhia and Melitopol. Photo:

The hierarch of the UOC commented on the content of the Istanbul Convention and the consequences of its ratification for Ukraine.

The main idea of the Istanbul Convention, for Ukraine's accession to which Vladimir Zelensky advocates, is the rejection of the natural model of inter-sex relations given by God and replacing it with a perverted one, says Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhia and Melitopol.

“The bottom line of the Istanbul Convention is to destroy the concept of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, as well as traditional ideas about family values at the legislative level,” the Vladyka noted in his Telegram channel.

According to him, the document offers a specific concept of gender identity, including mental abnormalities.

The hierarch expressed concern about the situation when the forms of sexual perversion will be enshrined as a norm of life or even "will fall into a privileged position," then the sin "will be under the protection of the law." Vladyka Luke emphasized that, in fact, this document deprives our citizens of their constitutional rights.

“The Istanbul Convention is a project to transform Ukraine into Sodom and Gomorrah,” he said.”Despite the fact that many countries have opted out of the document ratification, the government of our country wants to show its ability not only to make the country economically impoverished in the shortest possible time, but rich in perverted forms of life. While the previous Head of State (Petro Poroshenko – Ed.) gained notoriety for trying to sell the Church to the Turks (via creating the OCU together with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople – Ed.), then the current one wants to surpass the glory of his predecessor in the field of sexual modernism and offer our people LGBT tomos."

Metropolitan Luke called on everyone to sign the petition on the president's website against the ratification of the convention.

UOJ experts have repeatedly stressed that the Istanbul Convention, which imposes the ideology of non-traditional relations on children, can become Zelensky's LGBT Tomos.

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