OCU "hierarch" calls UOC believers cattle and urges to disperse processions

24 June 2021 16:24
Afanasy Shkurupiy. Photo: uaoch.com Afanasy Shkurupiy. Photo: uaoch.com

"Archbishop" of the OCU Shkurupiy believes the UOC should be banned, and religious processions should be dispersed.

On June 23, 2021, the representative of the OCU "Archbishop" Afanasy Shkurupy of Kharkiv and Izyum demanded to "violently disperse" the processions of the UOC.

Under the video of the attack on the procession of the UOC posted on Facebook, Shkurupiy wrote that “if the Russian Church in Ukraine, i.e. the Moscow Patriarchate, is not immediately banned, due to the anti-Ukrainian and anti-state policy it promotes in Ukraine, following the orders of the Russian special services, then in ten years or so we will lose the state."


“Such ‘moves’ must be strongly dispersed so that there is no longer a desire to act on the side of the enemy. However, there is no one – all the power and law enforcement structures are on the side of these Little Russian nits,” wrote the “hierarch” of the newly created religious structure.

A little later, the "archbishop" added, obviously referring to the believers of the UOC, that "our soldiers give their lives for this cattle."


According to the “hierarch” of the OCU, the country “needs to be defended not only at the front, but also in the rear”, and the fact that “a handful of patriots” in this sense cannot do anything is “our history”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that "patriots" with US flags attacked the procession of the UOC in Nizhyn.

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