Union of Orthodox Lawyers gives assessment of church raiding in Pryputni

14 April 2021 19:18
Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Pryputni village. Photo: df.news Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Pryputni village. Photo: df.news

According to the UOL lawyers, the seizure of the temple in Pryputni has signs of criminal offenses under three articles.

Lawyers of the Union of Orthodox Lawyers commented on the situation in the village of Pryputni, Chernihiv region, where unknown persons seized the church of the Nativity of the Virgin.

The UOL noted that the visitors attempted to take over the church back in 2019. However, the actions of the attackers went unpunished.

“Like last time, on April 4, the police did not react to criminal offenses by the supporters of the OCU,” the lawyers noted in their Telegram channel. "Therefore, without any resistance from the law enforcement agencies, the latter seized the temple replacing the locks."

Experts believe that the actions of the "military campaign headed by the former priest of the UOC Leonty" have signs of criminal offenses under three articles of the Criminal Code: 356 (arbitrariness), 180, part 1 (obstruction of the religious rite), 161, part 3 (violation of the equality of citizens depending on their religious beliefs).

The UOL added that in this situation, the inaction of the police also creates a crime under Part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or official position).

Earlier, Father Sergiy said the assaulters tried to seize the temple in Pryputni before, including with the help of threats.

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