Archbishop Jonah thanks doctors fighting for the health of brethren

29 April 2020 12:30
Архиепископ Обуховский Иона (Черепанов). Фото: Facebook-страница иерарха Архиепископ Обуховский Иона (Черепанов). Фото: Facebook-страница иерарха

A repeated negative test for coronavirus confirmed that the abbot of the Holy Trinity Jonah Monastery is absolutely healthy.

After recovering from the coronavirus, the head of the UOC Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, the abbot of the Holy Trinity Jonah Monastery in Kyiv, Archbishop Jonah (Cherepanov) of Obukhov expressed gratitude to the doctors of the Alexander Hospital of Kyiv.

“Thank God! Got the result of the repeated test. Negative. I'm healthy. A deep bow and gratitude to the entire staff of the Second Infectious Department of the Alexander Hospital and to the doctors fighting for the health of our brethren. May God have mercy on Liudmila, Maria, Nikita and Ilia!” wrote the hierarch on his Facebook page on April 29, 2020.

As reported earlier, on April 9, Archbishop Jonah of Obukhov told believers that he had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and was self-isolated. On April 10, Vladyka went to the Alexander Hospital for treatment, after which he told everyone who was not indifferent about his condition. On April 24, the hierarch checked out of the hospital and returned to the Jonah monastery.

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