UOC announces collection of warm clothes for the needy

12 December 2019 16:52
Illustrative photo: News Dks Illustrative photo: News Dks

With the onset of cold weather, more and more people in need of warm clothes turn to the UOC Synodal Department for Social and Humanitarian Affairs.

For some, the first snow and frost are a joy and a sign of the approaching New Year and Christmas holidays, but for others it is the first frostbite, stress and even mortal danger. In this regard, the UOC Synodal Department for Social and Humanitarian Affairs urges believers to participate in a charity event to collect warm clothes for the needy.

“First of all, this is those who do not have their own housing but not only that. A lot of people who are simply unable to buy themselves not just a coat or a warm jacket but even a hat and gloves,” said the UOC Synodal Department.

Since there are very few warm clothes in the humanitarian aid warehouse operating under the Department, the UOC announced the collection of warm clothes for those in need. First of all, there is a need for men’s clothes: jackets, coats, trousers, hats, mittens, socks, scarves, sweaters and the like.

The collection is held at: 15 Lavra Str., 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Wednesday. Telephone for inquiries: (050) 342-2739.

Due to the fact that hats, gloves and socks are difficult to find in good hygienic condition, a separate payment is announced for their purchase (the minimum price for such things: a fleece hat – 50 hrn., mittens – 30 hrn., socks – 40 hrn.).

Donations can be sent to the PrivatBank card: 5169 3305 0988 5528 or to Account: 26000052664282 (MFI: 320649 OKPO: 40721804 recipient: МИССИЯ СИНОДАЛЬНЫЙ ОТДЕЛ УКРАИНСКОЙ ПРАВОСЛАВНОЙ ЦЕРКВИ ПО СОЦИАЛЬНО-ГУМАНИТАРНЫМ ВОПРОСАМ), indicating the purpose of payment " АКЦИЯ: СБОР ТЕПЛЫХ ВЕЩЕЙ".

“Preparing to cheerfully celebrate the Christmas holidays, taking care of gifts for relatives in advance, let us remember those who will be sincerely happy with a simple gift – warm mittens. May not only a cup of warm tea and family comfort warm us in this frosty wintertime but also the thought of a neighbour who vitally needs these things,” calls the UOC Synodal Department.

As reported, charity events are held for St. Nicholas Day in the UOC eparchies: all concerned can join the collection of gifts for orphans.

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