Document in support of UOC signed by Patriarch Theodore published in Greece

14 November 2019 20:23
Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Odessa, 2018. Photo: Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Odessa, 2018. Photo:

Greek media believe that the Patriarch of Alexandria Theodore will give an answer at the Last Judgment about changing his position on the UOC and the “Ukrainian issue”.

A copy of the joint communique of Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and the Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Savva in support of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, was published by the Greek outlet “Katanixi”.

In particular, the document says: “We, Primates of the two Local Churches, having met on the Polish land, being aware of the responsibility for the life of holy Orthodoxy in the modern world, for peace, unity and the preservation of its dogmatic-canonical order, in the face of the trials that Orthodoxy faces today in Ukraine, in the spirit of brotherly love, urge all those in a position to eliminate church misunderstandings regarding the granting of autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church to do everything in their power to prevent the threat of conflict as well as the establishment of church order on Ukrainian soil.

Serving the Divine Liturgy on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we pray for the unity and peace of the Ukrainian people, and at the same time with fraternal greetings, we appeal to the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches and to the fullness of Holy Orthodoxy.”

The Greek resource reminded that addressing the Ukrainian people on September 27, 2018, during his visit to Odessa, the Patriarch of Alexandria said: “A week ago I was in the Church of Poland. Together with Metropolitan Savva of Poland, we signed a text that we are close to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. We are close to people who want a peaceful Orthodox Church."

“Katanixi” reporters believe that the signature of Patriarch Theodore on the document in support of the UOC will be the fact “that will check him for its breach at the time of the terrible Judgment, if he does not repent”.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Greek media published a selection of statements by Patriarch Theodore regarding the UOC.


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