On Sunday the “Right Sector” planned a provocation against the UOC in Ternopol

On August 7 the “Right Sector” adherents planned to have a provocative action near the Cathedral in Ternopol with a view to discrediting the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It is reported by the “Right Sector” on its page in Contact.
The provocation was supposed to take place at 10 a.m. during the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral. In its announcement the “Right Sector” calls the UOC congregation a “separatist center” and blames the Church in “tearing Ukrainians away from their roots.”
Reportedly, the radicals, who have recurrently disseminated slanderous information around the only church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ternopol, are agitating the public at large to join the action of interfaith confrontation.
It will be reminded that on July 24 near the Cathedral of Saints Vera, Nadezhda, Lubov and their mother Sophia, the “Right Sector” representatives arranged for an action, directed against the UOC. The believers had to call the police.