Four criminal cases opened against UOC believers over Cherkasy clashes

Police have issued charges against defenders of the Archangel Michael Cathedral.
In Cherkasy, police have issued formal suspicions against four defenders of the Archangel Michael Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). Among them are two laypeople and two clergymen. They are accused under Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – hooliganism, according to the kozakTv1 Telegram channel.
Authorities have also opened a criminal case against Father Oleksandr Smyk, the trustee of the Marfo-Mariinsky Sisterhood. Meanwhile, the case against Father Roman Horkavenko has already been sent to court. "He is apparently accused of using a pepper spray canister against hired OCU militants who stormed the Archangel Michael Cathedral of the UOC," journalists report.
According to available information, the investigation is proceeding at an accelerated pace.
As previously reported by the UOJ, Metropolitan Theodosiy has urged law enforcement not to participate in persecution against the Church.