Rivne Diocese of the OCU opposes mobilization of clergy

15 October 12:29
OCU chaplains. Photo: society.comments.ua OCU chaplains. Photo: society.comments.ua

The diocese believes that chaplaincy service should apply only to those clergy who are willing to do so. All others should remain at home.

The Rivne Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) has issued a statement opposing the mobilization of "priests" for the war with Russia.

The Rivne Diocese of the OCU believes that "clergy help people find the path to God, uphold moral values, and preserve spiritual traditions, and during war, this mission becomes even more important."

"Mobilizing clergy without taking their mission into account can have serious consequences for the spiritual life of the Ukrainian people. The Church is responsible for the spiritual well-being of its believers, and we must ensure that every community has a priest providing necessary support," the statement reads.

The Rivne Diocese of the OCU stated that they are ready to cooperate with the government on the issue of mobilization but suggested that only those "priests" willing to serve as chaplains and who are sent with the Church's blessing and the state's consent should go to the front lines.

"At the same time, other priests should remain in their communities, providing the necessary spiritual support to those who stay behind," the diocese wrote.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that an OCU cleric accused the Territorial Recruitment Centers of forced mobilization and the abduction of parishioners.

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