Dumenko announces a global wave of "transitions" upon Phanar head's arrival

26 April 2021 17:50
Sergei (Epiphany) Dumenko. Photo: strana.ua Sergei (Epiphany) Dumenko. Photo: strana.ua

The head of the OCU is confident that by the arrival of Patriarch Bartholomew, the "transitions" to the OCU will become even more large-scale than under Poroshenko.

OCU head Sergei (Epiphany) Dumenko said in an interview with Radio Svoboda that the arrival of Patriarch Bartholomew in Ukraine will lead to a new wave of "transitions", which will be even more powerful than before when the Tomos was received.

Dumenko associates an upcoming wave of transitions to the OCU with the fact that with the arrival of the head of Phanar, Ukrainians will suddenly understand and realize, “where the real Ukrainian Orthodox Church is and where the ROC is.” It will be similar to the awareness that ensued after the granting of the Tomos. According to Sergei Petrovich, the new wave will be “not less, but more powerful. Therefore, they (UOC – Ed.) have a certain fear of the arrival of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Ukraine."

“The situation has recently slowed down in terms of transitions. But there are still isolated cases in almost every area. This applies to both Western Ukraine and Central Ukraine,” said Dumenko. “We have hundreds of lawsuits, disputes, considered in various courts. Recently, we have received good news about the decision on one of the parishes in the Khmelnytsky region."

As reported by the UOJ, in a lawsuit around the Sutkivtsi community the court has sided with the invaders for the first time in the history of church raiding in Ukraine.

Earlier, the head of the OCU claimed that absolutely all communities in Ukraine, including those in the UOC, belong to the OCU.

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