Authorities okey "transition" of Halynivka community to OCU under pressure

04 February 2021 22:15
Community of the UOC church in Halynivka. Photo: Community of the UOC church in Halynivka. Photo:

The UOC community's statute in Halynivka was re-registered  in favor of the OCU after activists'd been picketing the Volyn Regional State Administration.

On February 4, officials of the Volyn Regional State Administration re-registered the statute of the UOC religious community in the village of Halynivka in favor of the OCU under pressure from a picket by activists in the RSA building, reports the Synodal Information and Education Department of the UOC citing the dean of the Volodymyr-Volynsky Diocese, Archpriest Sergei Guz.

"The involvement of the press in the action, the support of some deputies of the regional council and lawyers, threats of the representatives of the 'OCU', who resorted to more decisive actions, eloquently recorded on video, served its purpose. The statute of the UOC community was re-registered by the responsible persons of RSA," the dean noted.

He believes that the re-registration of the statute may become an official excuse for an ensuing raider seizure of the temple in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Halynivka, Volodymyr-Volynsky district, by activists of the OCU.

Authorities okey
Activists picketing the building of the Volyn RSA. Photo:

As reported by the UOJ, on February 3 and 4, OCU activists from Halynivka picketed the Volyn RSA.

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