Dumenko, Uniates and Catholics "consecrate" the flag with the Star of David

01 April 2023 18:44
Dumenko Dumenko "consecrates" the flag with the Star of David. Photo: ugcc.ua

Dumenko noted that "the chaplains guide the soldiers to our common victory."

On April 1, 2023, in the St. Sophia Cathedral of Kyiv, during the first graduation of military chaplains, the head of the OCU Epifaniy Dumenko with the head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk "consecrated" the military flag of the military chaplaincy service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which depicts the Star of David, the OCU website reports.

The event was also attended by representatives of other religious organizations in Ukraine, including Catholics.

The first official graduation of military chaplains took place with the "blessing" of the primates of the churches and religious leaders of organizations represented among the alumni chaplains. Among them are four chaplains of the UGCC.

Dumenko noted that "the chaplains are the spiritual shield of the Ukrainian army, who guide the soldiers to our common victory."

As previously reported by the UOJ, the Baptist chaplain allowed the fighters to swear during prayer.

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