RCC Bishop: Coronavirus shows an ignominious end of the European Union

23 March 2020 00:50
Catholic Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi. Photo: loccidentale Catholic Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi. Photo: loccidentale

The Catholic bishop believes that the European Union is an artificial and phantom association that does not have unity.

Catholic bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi from the city of Trieste in Italy, believes that the coronavirus has demonstrated the inglorious end of the European Union. Giampaolo Crepaldi's article was published on March 19 by Marcotosatti.com.

“The experience of these days has once again shown that the European Union is split and imaginary. Selfish disputes, rather than cooperation, arose among the Member States. Italy has appeared to be isolated and abandoned,” writes Crepaldi.

According to him, "the European Commission intervened too late, and the European Central Bank – poorly." That is why, “in the face of the epidemic, each state has taken measures to close itself from within.”

“The resources necessary for Italy to cope with an emergency, which at other times would be its own problem, together with the devaluation of the currency now depend on the decisions of the Union on which it should rely,” Crepaldi emphasized.

The hierarch is confident that “the coronavirus has finally demonstrated the artificial nature of the European Union, which is not able to compel the states, on which it was imposed for the sake of obtaining sovereignty, to cooperate with each other.”

“The lack of moral glue was not offset by institutional and political glue. It is necessary to take note of this ignominious end of the European Union and think that cooperation between European states in the struggle for health is also possible outside supranational political institutions,” concluded Crepaldi.

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