UOC hierarch: The Church’s never sought to change the model of statehood

03 February 2020 22:05
Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: YouTube Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: YouTube

The Church of Christ’s never tried to create "paradise on earth" but its children have always tried to work for the benefit of people and the country, said Met. Anthony.

The Orthodox Church has never set itself the goal of replacing the political or legal model of statehood in order to create “paradise on earth", said the UOC Chancellor, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, to the question of the host of the program “Church and Society” about whether believers can create an ideal society in which everyone lives equally comfortably.

“The Church of Christ testifies of the Kingdom of God here on earth, in such a world, which most often obeys evil <...>. The Church testifies of the Truth, the absolute Truth, the truth that Christ the Savior Himself brought to us on earth,” Met. Anthony emphasized.

However, the Church and its members are not indifferent to what is happening on earth, he added.

According to Metropolitan Anthony, believers always try to help those who need protection.

“Any person, a Christian, works here on earth, using the opportunities that the Lord gives him/her to create prosperity, a dignified human life, the best opportunities for the prosperity of his state. but not (to create – Ed.) some kind of model of your own and thus replace that model of statehood that exists on Earth,” concluded the bishop.

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