Believers about Great Cross Procession – a spiritual feat uniting people

31 July 2019 00:36
Участники Великого крестного хода. Фото: УПЦ Участники Великого крестного хода. Фото: УПЦ

For the participants, the Great Cross Procession became a spiritual feat and triumph of true Orthodoxy.

On July 27, 2019, participants in the Great Cross Procession in Kiev on the occasion of the 1031st anniversary of the Christianization of Rus’ told the “1Kozak” channel what this event means to them.

“We came to the cross procession to glorify the Lord and pray for peace in Ukraine,” one of the cross walkers said.

Another participant explains: “This is the triumph of true Orthodoxy. The soul sings and rejoices.”

Those who came to the prayer procession said: “This is very important in the situation that is now in the country. Cross processions unite the Ukrainian people, Orthodoxy so that there was no split, no war.”

“This is a spiritual feat! This is our faith, our life,” says one of the women.

The priests explain: “The cross procession is primarily a prayer for peace in our country. We see faces of people who smile, rejoice, pray for unity, for peace, for the welfare of our country.”

Believers also say that after the cross procession, this feeling remains for a very long time. There is a desire to live in peace, harmony and serve people: “Our Orthodox faith brings peace, goodness and love.”

Believers with special feelings and tremendous respect speak of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine: "An open, sincere, merciful person who seeks love and peace in Ukraine."

As the UOJ reported, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporozhye and Melitopol believes: The Great Cross Procession showed that the Church survived despite all the persecutions, and the believers united even more, thanks to the Primate of the UOC.

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