Poroshenko on storming Ukrainian lavras: "All in due time"

26 January 2019 22:13
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

The President urged not to hurry with the appropriation of temples by the newly formed OCU, since "all in due time".

You mustn’t speed up the transfer of churches to OCU, said Petro Poroshenko in the programme "Christmas meetings".

“And when someone expected that right there the first actions would be the storming of lavras, the transfer of everything – not the case. All in due time, and do not speed it up,” the President said.

According to him, the transfer of parishes to the OCU is voluntary and he learns about such events exclusively from the news in the media. In addition, the President explained that after the creation of the OCU, “the doors opened to God” for people.

“This has become a unifying factor for the country, which is more important than the referendum on the country's independence because everything starts with spiritual independence,” Poroshenko noted.

Earlier, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has promised to sign bill No. 4128-d passed by the Verkhovna Rada, known as the law on church raiding. As the UOJ reported, the “honorary patriarch” Filaret stated that the lavras would belong to the Ukrainian Church, because “God will create the conditions”. 



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