UOC KP considers law #5309 as “truth enforcement”

21 December 2018 01:03
“Cleric” of the UOC KP “protopriest” Ivan Dziuba “Cleric” of the UOC KP “protopriest” Ivan Dziuba

The decision to rename the UOC does not affect interests of its parishioners, assures member of the UOC KP Ivan Dziuba.

The bill No. 5309 aims to enforce truth with regard to the UOC, shared his opinion "protopriest" of the UOC KP Ivan Dziuba on air of Priamyi (Direct) TV channel.

He stressed that the outcome of the voting of MPs of Ukraine on this bill is very significant for ordinary parishioners.

“Today’s important decision is not about the renaming of the former UOC MP but, in fact, compelling this religious organization to the truth ... So each parish – a legal entity – should indicate its spiritual center in the name... ” said Dziuba.

According to the “cleric”, the bill # 5309 does not prohibit the activities of the former UOC MP, but obliges to reveal the truth in its legal name.

At the same time, Rostislav Kravets, a member of the Kiev City Bar Council, considers the vote of MPs for the draft law No. 5309 as an attempt by the authorities to legally seize the church property from some owners and transfer it to others.

Ukrainian political analyst Ruslan Bortnik said that the expert evaluation department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine gave a clear definition that the bill number 5309, adopted today in the Ukrainian Parliament, directly violates the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

The bill No. 5309 foresees amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations” regarding the name of religious organizations (associations) that are included into (form part of) a religious organization (association) whose governing center (administration) is located outside Ukraine in the country that, according to the Law of Ukraine, is recognized as carrying out military aggression against Ukraine and/or temporarily occupied part of the territory of Ukraine.”

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